Taste Bread [Mimi's World Tour]

Bakery: Taste Bread (香 現烤工坊)
Address: No. 1, Section 1, Taiwan Boulevard, Central District, Taichung 
Website: n/a
Style: Chinese
Price: $$$ 
Located inside Taichung train station, this stand may or may not still exist; it's so hard to find any information about these food stalls located inside train stations and yet they always come as a refreshing surprise. Here you were thinking that you were done with the bakery tours in that city, simply because you have to head to your next destination, and there's that one last-minute spot before you depart. Taste Bread, however, is a Taichung business and has three or four locations on the outskirts of the city. I don't know about their standalone locations, but the train station one was pricier than your average bakery and featured a tiny selection of fancier bread and pastries that you order at the counter versus picking yourself. Items are labelled, priced and have English names/descriptions. 
I was intrigued by the maple syrup danish ($45), though the wording may have been different. Maple syrup was certainly there. In the name, that is. I'm not sure I would necessarily identify it as maple syrup, but I did like the taste and the slightly flaky texture of the danish dough. It was certainly better quality than you usually encounter in bakeries, though I thought it could have gone without the powdered sugar on top - if you're to make something subtle like syrup the focus of the pastry, you can't mask it with sugar. Twice the sweetness was also unnecessary. Still, this was much better than I anticipated for what was essentially a "train station bakery". 

Rating: ***

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