揚揚甜甜圈 [Mimi's World Tour]

Bakery: 揚揚甜甜圈 (Yangyang Doughnuts) 
Address: No. 109 Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County
Website: n/a 
Style: Doughnuts
Price: $-$$ 

My final stop for famous Fenqihu baked doughnuts, I have to admit that I was most wary of this stall, especially as it's located right on Fenqihu Old Street, amid all the other predominantly souvenir stores and pushy salespeople, and yet doesn't seem to enjoy the same level of renown and crazed hype the other stalls do. This one is also the only baked doughnut stall with different flavours such as chocolate and cheese, etc. (flavours are $30 each). 
Given that they always seem ready to go on the shelves, I was also worried that they wouldn't be as fresh as other locations; however, to my surprise, the original doughnuts ($20) were very good. Baked just right with that excellent crunchy outside, these were just as delicious as the others. I felt maybe they were just a bit smaller, but that might also be due to the fact that I ate this one while waiting for the bus, knowing that this was the end of the Fenqihu baked doughnut tour... 

Rating: ***1/2

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