奮起湖現烤停車場甜甜圈 [Mimi's World Tour]

Bakery: 奮起湖現烤停車場甜甜圈 (Fenqihu Freshly-baked Parking Lot Doughnuts)
Address: No. 108 Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 
Style: Doughnuts

This is probably somehow part of the same baked doughnut empire as the one in town, but I won't let them pull a fast one on me and deny me a separate Cake Tour for each stall! At any rate, the doughnut shop in the parking lot has its own listing for it. So there! 
Perhaps it's not guaranteed, but the parking lot stall never had a line when I was there and at the time of purchase, I instantly got my doughnut ($20). It wasn't piping hot and fresh from the syrup-coating bamboo basket like at the other stall, but it was warm and fresh... and actually I have to admit that my favourite of all the Fenqihu baked doughnuts came from the parking lot. Maybe it was that they're not so rushed here and they can achieve that perfect crispy outside and coat it in just the right amount of sweetness? At any rate, if you have to pick one: go to the parking lot/bus stop. 

Rating: ***1/2

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