Chubby Chix Cakery

Bakery: Chubby Chix Cakery
Address: 5037 Lake Ave, Orchard Park NY
Website: facebook
Style: American
Price: $$ 

Yet another trip to Buffalo, yet another bakery done in the area. This time, the honour went to Chubby Chix which is first and foremost (I know, I know) a cupcake shop and custom cake place; however, they do have other treats for the casual passerby such as turnovers, cookies, and their signature chubby buns, pretty much ginormous cinnamon buns available also in rotating flavours like cherry almond. Someone read that these chubby buns were good/worth trying, and so the Cake Tour arrived on scene to find the air outside smelling of cinnamon and the bakery inside sold out of almost everything, except a few cupcakes and one last bun. And that bun was soon gone. :P
 Chubby buns are indeed a glutton's (or a cinna-phile's) version of a cinnamon bun. Make no mistake, the name is a good descriptor: these are big, but they're not humongous -- after all, they managed to fit on a small-sized plate, which can't said be for the poppy seed bun I recently tried; it had to be moved over to a medium-sized one, and even then it barely fit. The chubby buns are thick and fluffy, but the main reason why they're so indulgent isn't the bun itself, but the layer of icing slathered on top. A little too much is putting it kindly. ;) For someone who likes to taste something besides sugar, it kind of detracted from the taste of the bun -- pretty good, but a bit too decadent for my liking.

Rating: **1/2

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