Red Ganache

Bakery: Red Ganache
Address: 5592 Robinson St, Niagara Falls ON 
Style: North American
Price: $$
While the sign/subtitle considers this small, cozy spot a bake shop, I would actually say it fits the bill of a confectionery more than actual bake shop. Their specialty is without a doubt their array of reasonably priced cake slices, but they also sell chocolates, ice cream and other sweets such as packaged shortbread, tarts and macarons. The selection isn't large, but it's fairly impressive given the size of the space. 
I tried two items: the first was a peach tart. I liked the taste and texture of the tart shell (it was just the right thickness as well) along with the almond base, but I felt like the fruit payer on top was more jelly than actual fruit. Maybe it would have been better if they didn't serve the peach in such big chunks and instead sliced them thinner and covered the entire top of the tart? Good if you snagged a peach but somewhat lacking if you didn't. 
Despite normally preferring a fruit tart over a rich and decadent cake, I have to say that the highlight of the two had to be the Black Forest cake. I like the concept of a Black Forest cake, but I never like it when bakeries turn into it being chocolate cake and cream with a cherry jam layer or something lame - here, the cherries were indeed the star of the show. There were nice big chunks of sweet cherries with every bite. I still think that top layer of cream was a bit too thick, but otherwise it was pretty good for this type of cake. 

Rating: **1/2

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