Alberta Bakery [International Correspondent]

Bakery: Alberta Bakery
Address: inside Heritage Park (1900 Heritage Dr SW, Calgary AB) 
Style: Old-fashioned ;) 

Introduction: Feeling like revisiting his childhood, I guess, the brother went to Heritage Park and, of course, everyone knows that there's indeed a bakery in Heritage Park! When you go on a school field trip (I think I must have gone two or three times), the bakery is always a highlight because you get free samples. :P Alas, when you're paying full-blown admission, you have to buy the baked goods yourself. Yeah, sorry about that...

Nonetheless, the idea behind the bakery is that not only are the ladies serving you in historic garb, but the baked goods are fashioned after what would typically be in a bakery at the beginning of the 20th century, so think very simple fare along the lines of bread, cinnamon buns, butter tarts, all made in the good old-fashioned way (though that tin tart form doesn't look very old-fashioned if you ask me...). Don't expect fireworks, but hey! you wouldn't want it any other way -- it is Heritage Park after all.

Now to the brother's verdict: "Alberta Bakery features old-fashioned classics like butter tarts and cinnamon buns. At $1.50 for one butter tart, the bakery is cheap and affordable, and really good -- just like I remembered it when I visited it as a kid. I decided to take the butter tart; it was both soft and flaky, and buttery as well. I would say this is the epitome of what I call a Western butter tart, and those happen to be my favourite. The shell is thinner and the filling is a thicker mass, not runny. This one is probably one of the best butter tarts I've had -- very good! I'd definitely recommend this bakery."

Rating: ***1/2

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