Farmhouse Pottery & Bakery

Bakery: Farmhouse Pottery & Bakery
Address: 307114 Hockley Rd, Mono ON 
Style: Canadian
Price: $$$$ 

Well, this is a rather unusual one. One brother was going hiking in the area and drove past this pottery studio that also happened to be a bakery (!). Given the off-the-beaten-path location, he thought it would make a good cake tour. Naturally, I always appreciate such effort. :)

Strange, I don't see any gold  leaf or saffron in it...
Besides the pottery, the bakery doesn't have that much selection and if it isn't classic butter tarts, they sell pies (both are not priced). Not wanting to take back an entire pie, my brother opted for the butter tarts.... and, if you want to set any records, this might just be the world's most expensive butter tart. At $4 each, it's a rather jaw-dropping record. I remember once seeing a butter tart for around $3 and thought it was needlessly overpriced. In such cases, there were only really two ways this can go: the butter tart can be good or awful. You either feel confused, somewhat disappointed, or completely ripped off. Fortunately, Farmhouse did redeem itself; this butter tart was good. It was thick-shelled like typical Ontario butter tarts, but even given the thickness of the shell, it was somewhat soft and easy to crack into and not doughy like they can be elsewhere. The filling was a wonderful compromise between runny and thicker butter tarts. You had a little bit of buttery oozing, but also some "meat" to it (so that the whole filling doesn't run away on you like it once -_-) . The filling was so good! It's kind of a shame it doesn't qualify, geographically-speaking, for the butter tart tour, since it would certainly rank pretty high. Excellent butter tart, but still not worth the price.

Rating: ***

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