Le Delice Pastry Shop
#8 1150 Lorne Park Rd, Mississauga ON
North American, Canadian, European
My mom let me

know she had found another bakery to check out in Lorne Park, a more expensive neighbourhood in south Mississauga, and seeing as we had been running pretty low on bakeries to review in the vicinity, we went there while the male members of the household were away on holiday. From the name (didn't notice that accent in there, and on second thought, it wouldn't be correct Italian at all ;D) and location, I was expecting some overpriced Italian bakery with not much in it, but in this sense -- and this sense only -- I was disappointed. ;)
Le Delice is a teeny tiny bakery in between the bank and some sort of copy centre. It's a hard place to find and an even harder place to photograph... the CIBC is really trying to steal the spotlight. XD Nonetheless, it's equally tiny on the inside, but unlike many bakeries, these guys have a majority of sweets (with some savouries on the side) in the way of some fairly typical, North American/British staples like muffins, pies,

scones and pound cakes. Not normally a fan of this sort of baking, I think I was pretty amazed to find how yummy everything looks! (and bonus points for having absolutely everything priced... and affordably ;D). Impressed by the cheaper stuff, I think we need to make a return for the crumble pie (~$16) made with locally grown peaches. It looked amazing. *-*
Anyways, for this trip, I decided to uh, go low-risk and stick to the less expensive goodies. My partner is sampling (the mom, this time around ^^) took for herself a pumpkin spice muffin ($1.60), which, though it makes a pretty horrible photograph (how can you take a photo of a muffin... it's a muffin :/) was absolutely delicious. "You wouldn't believe that this and the stuff they sell in the supermarket are both considered muffins" was her comment -- more useful than the brothers, that's for sure. ;)
For the purposes of the cake tour, the mom treated me to the wild blueberry tart ($2.75, or thereabouts) (with, I believe, locally grown fruit as well)

which was blueberry in a custard-like filling (sorry, I don't know what to call it :P) in a homemade, perfectly crispy shell. This was delicious, I must say that. ^^;;
I don't know what else to say but that... and that you can count on me returning and providing an update for everyone while I'm at it. ;)
[NEW!] I was ranting, and in earnest, that it's impossible to find a real, good bakery in Mississauga. Even the ethnic choices are good, but not outstanding and nothing has really stood out in the way other bakeries elsewhere have. I'm saying this now, because here's one exception that snuck up on me. I'm a little late with it, since it took

me a return visit here to truly grasp it and some excellent choices from my mom, who did the selecting in my place. First thing was a pecan tart for the youngest brother ($2.50) who had been craving one and whining about wanting one for months. He was really impressed. Next up, I got a cinnamon bun ($1.75) which was excellent and there was something oddly... similar to the ones I'd been sampling on my latest trip: delicious dough folded in with butter-cinnamon and topped with a little glaze and icing on top (the lightning was horrible that day...) . Very, very tasty. But! the showstopper is definitely this lovely almond-raspberry tart ($3.25): homemade shell with almond filling (think
Hansens) a thick layer of icing and dark chocolate drizzle and on the bottom of it all was a generous amount of thick, homemade raspberry jam. Pair that with the almond and icing... this was AMAZING! Yes, this thing knocked my disbe

lieving socks off and got me thinking for the very first time: who are these people? Danish style tarts and cinnamon buns and an ample, daily changing selection of danishes. Whoa. O___O
Regardless of the answer, now that my second trip has made me truly appreciate this little place a little more, I *know* they can't disappoint me. Sadly, another bakery came to claim title, but, as consolation, I can say
Mississauga's [second] best bakery!! ;)
Rating: ****
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