Bakery: Fauchon
Address: 26 Place de la Madeleine, Paris
Website: http://www.fauchon.com
Style: French
Price: $$$
Anyways, here's another review from my trip to Paris, this time being my trip on my last day to the ultra classy, "epicerie fine" that is Fauchon. As a matter of fact, it's not really a bakery or patisserie at all, but a fancy food emporium selling everything from bread, jams, chocolate, spices and everything in between. The only big issue is that everything is quite expensive here. I mean, if you just look at it from the outside, it looks rather imposing. I was very scared to walk in, but it looked like it might be more than I could afford. And yet, I'll always get lured in by the pastries (it was the end of the day, so the window display in the patisserie section was fairly empty). ^__^; Their stuff really is pretty fancy in terms of appearance, and they've got a more modern, minimalistic approach that I would have never thought beforehand could be applied to the art of baked goods. Most was quite (pretty much, "too") expensive, especially their luxury macarons with some strange flavours.
I picked out their "fruits noirs" (aka, black fruits) tart (6 euro) because of it's uniqueness and because I wanted to splurge a little on my last day. This had figs, blackberries and blueberries on it with a few gold flakes on top (omg, I feel like such a queen! ;D) and was a really original idea, seeing as you can get "fruits rouges" (field berry-like) almost everywhere. The three went very well together, although the seeds in the figs ruined the texture of the tart. It almost felt like you got something in your teeth, with all these unnecessary crunchiness. Nevertheless, the dough and custard filling were excellent and the more hearty blend of fruits was worth a try... and well, you have no idea how proud I was to walk around afterwards with a Fauchon bag like it was something special. :P Though, he he he, Stohrer is still #1 for the tarts!! v^___^v
Rating: **1/2
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