Les Chateaux Bakery

Bakery: Les Chateaux Bakery
Address: 8360 Kennedy Rd, Unionville, ON 
Style: Chinese

Chances are, this is the same owner as the Thai restaurant next door. Located in New Kennedy Square shopping mall, this is one of a few Chinese bakeries in and around the mall and probably similar in quality and selection as the others, though it does enjoy a slightly better rating than its competition. Les Chateaux is what I call a standard Chinese bakery: sweet and savoury buns and tarts are laid out in plastic bins and there's a display case of cakes along one wall. Their egg tarts seem to enjoy the most popularity. I, on the other hand, was in the mood that day for those red bean sesame balls - a classic sugar doughnut would have sufficed as a replacement ^^; - and so I was a little disappointed that they had neither. In this sense, this bakery is first and foremost a bread bakery. If you're in the mood for pastries of any kind (besides egg tarts, perhaps), they don't really have that sort of thing. 
Scrambling to come up with some alternatives, I just grabbed a classic coconut bun, a sugar bun and a pack of cookies. I hadn't had a coconut bun since my trip to Taiwan and after that this one just didn't cut it, mostly because the ones here never have enough coconut. This was no exception to the rule. The sugar bun... tasted like it looked? Alright. 
Without a doubt the star of the show were the taro cookies. At least I think they were taro cookies. They had this purplish colour and nothing else really made sense. I liked these. They had a good texture that reminded me of traditional almond cookies (the kind they sell in gift boxes at the supermarket, usually from Macau). A bit pricey for just cookies, but pretty good. 

Rating: **1/2

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