Bakery: Bernhöftsbakarí
Address: Bergstaðastræti 13, Reykjavik
Website: http://bernhoftsbakari.is/
Style: Icelandic, Scandinavian
Price: $-$$
Bernhöftsbakarí is another bakery I tried while in Reykjavik (yes, I was very busy with the Cake Tour while here :P) which seems to be pretty impressive in terms of history (it was established in 1834! O_O), although history doesn't help that much in what I was pretty much stuck with. I suppose it's never a good idea to come at closing time (I had arrived from Selfoss late in the afternoon and by the time I had got settled in my room, it was 5 o'clock... which means closing time. :/), but hey! what little was left behind should have been half price or something...
Yup, out of all my Icelandic destinations, these guys proved the worst, both in terms of freshness and taste. Unfortunately, I didn't come earlier in the day to see what other goods they had to offer, but at 5pm, there was literally nothing in the bakery and yet the line up was still out the door. My choices were what I bought (around 200kr)
And, alas, I guess the same applies to this bakery too, though, seeing as there are only a certain amount of bakeries in downtown Reykjavik, I *might* go back on those hypothetical future trips (if you keep saying it over again, it must come true, right? Right? ;__;), though I'm not too thrilled at the idea right about now.
Rating: *1/2
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