Kate's Town Talk Bakery

Bakery: Kate's Town Talk Bakery
Address: 206C Queen St S, Mississauga ON
Website: http://www.katestowntalk.ca/
Style: Canadian 
Price: $$

A regular bakery supplier was so sure I'd covered the bakeries in Streetsville that he had to go and check, only to realize that -- yes, sad but true -- nothing had actually been reviewed. One such omission was Kate's Town Talk, the bakery in Streetsville which claims (or so I recall, though I'm at a loss as to where I read this) they have the best butter tarts in the city. Such claims are usually either hit or a total miss; in this case, we can begin that Kate's makes a point. ;)
Without a doubt, the item worth trying are their butter tarts: thick-shelled with a thick, yet still slightly runny filling. The finishing touch that sets it apart from other tarts is the hardened caramel crust along the edge. Fork off a piece of caramel-encrusted edge, tart shell, and a deliciously buttery filling and there is no doubt left in your mind as to whether this is Mississauga's best butter tart! 
Then there was the butter tart cheesecake bar (right), with a cheese mass on the bottom topped off with chunks of leftover butter tarts on top. This was very good: classic cheesecake with a fantastic crunch on top (especially when you factor in that aforementioned hardened caramel. 

Their other products, however, didn't seem to impress as much. This was true of their ginger spice cookies, which looked pretty good with their deep brown dough and coarse sugar on top. They lacked any sort of ginger and spice taste, though, not to mention the texture just didn't achieve the perfect chewiness you look for in a cookie. I personally likened the taste more to that of a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate chips than a spice cookie.

Overall: stick to the butter tarts and you'll be wowed.

Rating: ***1/2

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