Heritage Doughnuts

Bakery: Heritage Doughnuts @ St Jacob's Farmers Market
Address: 878 Weber St N, Waterloo ON 
Website: http://www.stjacobs.com/farmers-market
Style: North American 

So I had someone return to the St Jacob's Farmers Market once news of a new building had spread. For those who may not know, the previous market building burned down last year, taking with it countless of shops and some bakeries too. The new building is only one storey and it might come as a disappointment (it did for me, at any rate) that two of the baked good-draws -- the Cinni-bun shop and the apple fritter place -- have not returned. :( 

Nevertheless, one place that is around are Heritage Doughnuts (I'm not sure if they have a name or that's just the style of their doughnuts; for simplicity's sake, I'll use it as their name): a stall selling doughnuts which come in boxes of six (around $4, if someone's memory serves them correctly...), and only in one variety (apple cider with sugar on top)

For the sampling, we got the hot apple cider doughnuts sprinkled with sugar. These are cake doughnuts and, in general, I have to say I'm not really fond of cake doughnuts. They're denser than yeast doughnuts and tend to be drier and not very fluffy. To my surprise, these were pretty tasty. The apple cider isn't in-your-face obvious, but there is that hint of something sweet there that you can't quite place and it must be that that makes the dough surprisingly moist and tasty. They certainly aren't apple fritters or cinnamon buns, but they'll do. ;)

Rating: **1/2

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