Address: St Lawrence Market (multiple locations exist as sit-down cafes)
Website: N/A
Style: Eastern European, Ukrainian
Price: $$
I'd heard of Future Bakery countless of times before: their breads (mostly European rye breads) can be found in multiple supermarkets, but I never actually thought that they were a real bakery (as in not a commercial, bread-only sort of place) until we chanced upon them on my very first trip to St. Lawrence Market, although they apparently have multiple locations all over the place. Figures. Nevertheless, we came here after our rather disastrous trip to the Christmas Market and found prices to be pretty reasonable, although still not really, really cheap. Still, after the Christmas Market, it was a very welcome change. ;)
The bakery itself has two stands across from one another; the side pictured features pretty standard, "Canadian" baked goods: choco-chip and sugar cookies by the doze, pecan tarts and icing cakes. Suffice to say, this really isn't my kind of thing, so I was more interested in the opposite side which featured their countless rye breads and more of Eastern European goods: various sweet buns and whatnot. (ha ha honestly, I can't remember what was behind the glass here... -___-)
Seeing they had poppy seed buns, and I *absolutely* have to try every poppy seed bun I see, I couldn't resist! At $1.90 + tax, the price wasn't over the top, but I've encountered cheaper. Still, I really didn't know that this place was Ukrainian (I actually haven't tried a Ukrainian bakery yet; this is exciting) until I did my research online, but I would have said that the bun was more Russian-style, especially with the poppy seed mass. This is a good thing though; the dough was also good, although it was a little dry on the top layer and there was a little too much raisins for my taste (I don't like raisins XD). Still, it was pretty tasty. Not the best, but delicious nonetheless.
In addition to my poppy seed bun, we actually came to this bakery to buy something for my other brother, who obviously also needed a little treat, because the tarts from the market were too overpriced to buy three. So, in keeping with my brother's tastes (which are a little different than my own ^^), we picked for him the Chocolate Chip Bun, which was the same price, I believe,
Mimi: Hey, what did you think of that chocolate chip bun?
G.: Nothing special. *pauses to think about it* I mean, would I get it again? Probably not.
Well, that's my brother's opinion. He seemed more impressed while he was eating it, a few days ago, but it's his opinion.
Overall, Future Bakery is one of a few bakeries in the St. Lawrence Market and easily the most exciting. Reasonably-priced, good -- not great -- baking, and worth a try. :)
Rating: **1/2
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