Holm's Bager
Torvegade 50, Copenhagen
The World Tour is back! And more timely than ever before; in fact, I can't say I've ever starting reviewing while still on holiday, but I can't say I have anything better to do *sighs* So, without further ado: Copenhagen, bakery #1!]
Holm's Bager was the very first bakery I spotted in Denmark! *-* I had just got off the metro from the airport -- I was staying on Christianshavn -- and there it was, right on the corner... beckoning me with sweets and baked goods. Lol. So, after dropping off my luggage, I returned with great impatience and eagerly bought up a raspberry
spandauer (25kr), perhaps the closest equivalent to the English term, "danish".
Now, the thing that makes Danish baking renowned, or its signature at any rate, is its deliciously flaky, multi-layered "Vienna bread" (think an amazing version of a croissant) dough; some nail it to the point of perfection (think
The Danish Pastry House ^^ -- I think I'll finish by starting up an official fan club) and others fail miserably. Nonetheless, it's all in the dough and, despite comments on the latter's website that they've never tried anything so delicious, even in Denmark, I truly believed that Denmark should have, in theory, the pinnacle of "Vienna bread" and one awesome, well, danish. In practice, however, I always seem to be wrong -- Holm's Bager didn't exactly make my World Tour set off on the right track.

For one, for what seems to be a lesser known bakery on the same square as the more illustrious Lagkagehuset (future post), I found prices to be a little too much. I attributed it solely to my not knowing Danish prices (which are almost as depressingly high as Norway ;__;) but have since discovered scrumptious pastries for half the price; so, in a word, they were a tad overpriced, especially for what you get. I mean, it looked pretty good and fulfilled all the toppings criteria: icing, fruit, slivered almonds. As tantalizing as it looked, the dough was soggy, and there was no characteristic crunch and layering (I'm starting to sound like a pro! ^.^), except in the brittle icing bits. This, however, wasn't too bad and quite tasty if you didn't take into consideration my too-high expectations-- it was the filling that was the killer. Lately, I've noticed that more and more "jams" are actually labelled as "spreads", most likely due to some sort of lack of fruit content. Well, all I could say about this was: fruit spread, with no real "fruit" taste. For some reason, the one thing I thought of was those little packs you get at hotel breakfasts and they're all jelly-like, but not really that fruity? Same idea here, but there was so much of it that I had to just scoop some out, simply because otherwise it would have just been mouthfuls of the stuff. Not so great.
So, my first World Tour 2013 certainly didn't get off to a stellar start; Holm's was alright, but it certainly managed to burst the bubble in terms of my hopes and expectations for delicious, flaky creations. Fortunately, my faith has since been restored, but nonetheless, I don't think that on my return to Copenhagen, I'll make it a priority to return here. :/
Rating: **1/2