Bakery: Baker Brun
Address: Bryggen, Bergen
Website: http://www.bakerbrun.no/
Style: Norwegian, Scandinavian
Price: $-$$
Like Baker Hansen, Baker Brun is a Norwegian bakery chain, but this time with locations across the country and with several in Bergen and in Oslo. Oddly enough, I never saw a single one while in Oslo, so the time I tried it ended up being in Bergen.
Nonetheless, Baker Brun has the typical selection of Norwegian/Scandinavian goodies, with simple sweet buns and several breads. The Bryggen (that is, old town Bergen) location is more of a petite cafe and doesn't really offer much in terms of baked selection. Unlike all other bakeries I visited in Norway (and in Europe, for that matter), nothing was priced and so it was a little scary, especially with those Norwegian prices ;DD and the fact that anything in Bryggen might turn into a tourist trap, taking the risk, but both buns were well under 250kr, I do remember that, though I can't quite recall the exact price.
This time around, the brother took something as well, so his was the glazed bun (both taken after getting smushed), which turned out to be yet another cinnamon bun, at least I believe so. (lol, I've had so many on this site that it should have its own tag: "scandinavian cinnamon buns" ^-^) He liked it, but he's never much help there... I got this spiral bun with cinnamon and dusted with sugar. According to the cash register as I was paying, someone ended up with the "prinsessekake" but I can't figure out who... especially when I associate 'princess cake' with marzipan-covered cream balls (at least, that's the Swedish equivalent... mmm, prinsesskaka *-*) I would have liked it if it were mine, just because of the name, heh heh heh. Anyways, it was quite good, though the "filling" of the spiral, or at least the alternate colour, could have used a bit more cinnamon, since the bun didn't have much flavour and tasted just like plain dough.
Overall, it was quite good, but not the greatest. And as to Norway, I think I have to say I still preferred Baker Hansen... though it would have been nice to find some non-chains somewhere. *pouts*
Rating: **1/2