The Danish Pastry House
487 Cornwall Rd, Oakville ON
Note: The following review applies to the old Port Credit location only; for an updated version of the new Oakville location, please scroll down!]
OMG. O. M. G. There exists a little piece of heaven in Mississauga. More accurately, there exists a little piece of Denmark in Mississauga. Yes, Denmark. And yes, in Mississauga! If I didn't just eat it, I might have thought I was still dreaming, because it's a miracle, a miracle that I would have thought completely impossible! Squeeeeeaaals, there's a
Danish bakery in
Mississauga!?! [
please be warned: this post will probably be very incoherent. I waited a few hours after consuming, but just looking at it is turning me back into a rabid fangirl]

Alright, *takes a deep breath* let's start from the beginning: on Tuesday, my brother came back with the announcement that he had spotted a Danish flag from the window of the GO train and it was next to a sign containing "pastry". Seeing as he probably takes the GO train at least once a week, this was met with a lot of skepticism. A quick search gave the name and place; Yellow Pages listed it as a wholesale bakery and, knowing other wholesale bakeries located in industrial plazas, I didn't have any hopes. Then I found their website and I knew it could only get better. *-* It's really pathetic how impatient I was for the weekend, since it was the first chance I could get to to go Port Credit in the morning/early afternoon (note that this is not a regular bakery and they only open for a few hours on certain days -- check their website!) Not needing to follow the adorable red and white signs with cinnamon buns on them from Lakeshore, I ended up in front of a little business with a Denmark flag heart logo and another flag hanging outside (and another giant one inside). The 'open to the public' area is quite small and basically has two windows of goodies (with red and white curtains ^.^) and then there's the heart stickers and cut-outs on the box! Seriously, was this place designed expressly for my cute&kitschy tastes?!?! This is freakin' amazing! ... And here I was, thinking I'd never get the chance to use my homemade Denmark flags again!
And like that, there was some dethroning going on (though I do feel bad for the previous winners, since I still love them so), since The Danish Pastry House is now:
#1 best -- hands down -- Bakery in Mississauga
#1 best Danish Bakery in uh, Canada
(I wanted to say the GTA, but this sounds so much better and I can't imagine anyone possibly making anything better than this ^^;)
After 5 weeks in Denmark, hunting in vain for amazing bakeries, I can now say:
#1 best Danish Bakery... EVER!!!!!!!
I was there at around noon and a lot was already sold out, so come early! There's individual goodies (cinnamon buns, danishes, etc.) all at around $2 and larger, strudel-like treats ($7 and up) as well as rum balls, some cookies. Most are based on the same (absolutely stunning) 'danish' (in Danish, it's called "Vienna bread" ^^) dough and contain custard, marzipan, fruit in a combination of one or more items stuffed inside.

Now, to the purchases: first up, knowing that I will be returning here on a very (possibly too) regular basis, I decided to go for the seasonal item: the large Julekage ("Christmas cake"; $7.50/$2.50 for a small): a fattened flat cake stuffed with marzipan, raisins and custard and decorated with fondant snowflakes. *swoons* The verdict was unanimous: "whoa". (yes, four people said the same thing when they bit into this the first time) Upon recovery, you realize that was is so whoa is that this is the best, the most perfect dough ever! As one brother said: this is what croissants are supposed to be like. This is the epitome of flaky, buttery dough: super crispy on the outside and super soft, moist and airy on the inside with this unbelievably delicious stuffing. Mind-blowing amazingness. *____*

Up next was the Cremebolle (the sheet only gives the plural, Cremeboller, and I don't know enough Danish to know if that's right... but it should be) ($2.25) which, despite the name, wasn't actually stuffed with cream as I thought nor was it stuffed with anything. The cream from the name seemed folded into the dough itself so it was one big, airy.. ball of the most perfect dough ever. ;D
Last up is their raspberry Spandauer (or 'danish', in English; $2.50) which was... *cues the angelic choral music* I honestly can't think how anything can be better than this. This was, holy crap was this ever good!! Seriously, I can't get how this is just dough, but wow. WOW! You take one bite, you faint, and then you get into the middle, where the raspberry filling is fresh fruit pureed with only a slight bit of sugar so that it's still tart... *swoons in a pool of drool*
Huh, what was I talking about again? I really think I should stop here, since it'll really get nonsensical, so I'll conclude with my ending remark and leave it at that (besides absolutely ordering you to go to this place):
Rating: ****
PS. It breaks my heart to say it, but after repeated attempts, I have to say that I really, really miss the Port Credit location. :( The new Oakville location feels like an entirely new bakery and there's really none of that cute coziness I liked; it's hectic and cold and industrial. The selection has definitely expanded, though not in the way of danish dough (which seems to have shrunk??), with there being a lot more cookies and cakes. Large items, which were always my fave because you can split them nicely amongst people, are almost nonexistent. And then I just can't seem to find anything that compares to the goodies in the old place; I have this feeling that they've gone from quality to quantity. Portions have shrunk -- most notably the spandauer -- and items are regularly burnt. Man, looking back at my original photos is so depressing, since nothing looks like this anymore! ;_____; Seeing as nothing can still compare to the greatness of the DPH, it still is the best, but I just wish that that some of that initial "wow factor" would come back. //distraught fangirl
New Rating: ***